a monkey stole my juicebox

you can really tell that hope's nathan's daughter, she's making similar mistakes: she treats everybody like soldiers and often oversteps boundaries. but, unlike him, she's more willing to admit that she was wrong.

@темы: marvel, generation hope, hope summers

a monkey stole my juicebox
teon's parents want him back. hope's being a ridiculously possessive mother hen. honestly, i, too, think it would be better for him to stay by her side. what are they gonna do with this savage, anyway? lock him up? because without hope looking after him, he's gonna go back to living on the street, eating trash and assaulting women.

@темы: marvel, generation hope, hope summers

a monkey stole my juicebox

it's strange how wolverine can't stand hope, but seems to like hanging out with one of her friends and teammates, teon.

i love this team.

@темы: marvel, generation hope, hope summers

a monkey stole my juicebox
wade used to be a miscreant back in school, too.

@темы: deadpool, marvel

a monkey stole my juicebox

@темы: deadpool, marvel

a monkey stole my juicebox
bob looks like an accountant :D

more under the cut.

@темы: deadpool, marvel

a monkey stole my juicebox
wade and bob are fighting like an old married couple, that's adorbs.

@темы: deadpool, marvel

a monkey stole my juicebox
asking your own hostage for advice. you're doing this right, wilson.

@темы: deadpool, marvel

a monkey stole my juicebox
wade's on the never ending quest to get killed. again.

@темы: deadpool, marvel

a monkey stole my juicebox

@темы: deadpool, marvel

a monkey stole my juicebox
first impressions are important.

@темы: deadpool, marvel


a monkey stole my juicebox

@темы: music


maude s01e01

a monkey stole my juicebox
watching maude right now. she's high-strung, bossy, manipulative, has a killing sense of humor and won't shy away from threatening bodily harm. no wonder wade loves her do much :D

@темы: maude

a monkey stole my juicebox
nate taught his daughter well.

@темы: marvel, x-men: second coming, hope summers

a monkey stole my juicebox
wade's attending nathan's funeral. i'm thinking this was one of his reasons to join wolverine's x-force. don't you worry, kids, he'll be back in no time.

@темы: deadpool, cable, marvel, x-men: second coming, hope summers

a monkey stole my juicebox

@темы: deadpool, marvel

a monkey stole my juicebox
so i've been re-reading deadpool vol. 2, and i gotta say, even though a lot of way's jokes fall flat, this moment was hilarious.

@темы: deadpool, marvel


a monkey stole my juicebox
15.08.2016 в 22:50
Пишет  Leroks:

Увиденного не развидеть

Наслаждайтесь. Мы сегодня, как увидели это, впали в неконтролируемое состояние неверия, что такое можно изобразить без задней мысли. Самое невинное, что может прийти в голову: килограммовую пачку сливочного масла со скоростью звука не удалось сунуть в паучью задницу.

URL записи

@темы: marvel, spider-man, repostkin

a monkey stole my juicebox
i read this fic, and i might've just as well stabbed myself, really. fuck.

'“I thought you knew that I was in on it,” Wade said, his voice cracking slightly. His eyes were glistening and he quickly turned away, looking back out over New York, the thousands of windows and cars and streetlights making the city glitter brightly beneath the darkened, starless sky.
“I mean, c'mon,” he continued bitterly as he moved his gaze down to the cars and people far below, “the video feed that caught me on camera before I blew up the reactor on Providence—I stuck my tongue out at the camera and showed my New York State I.D. card so that everyone would know it was me and that I was working for the United States government—do you honestly think I would have done that otherwise?!”'

i love how unusually open and honest wade is in #35, and i understand how hurt he must feel after what his best friend (or so he thought) did to him. congratulations on another relationship you managed to fuck up, nate.

a long rant and a lot of panels from comic book under the cut, so spoiler alert.

what i really want is for nate to feel guilty and ashamed for what he did. he never even formally apologized for this stunt, unless you count what happened in #42 as their reconciliation, of course.

@темы: deadpool, domino, cable, marvel, cable & deadpool

a monkey stole my juicebox

@темы: cable, marvel, hope summers, x-men