
a monkey stole my juicebox
the holidays are over, and i haven't written a paragraph worth of text. why am i only productive when i'm supposed to be doing something else?


a monkey stole my juicebox
this guitar solo makes life worth living.


a monkey stole my juicebox

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@темы: star trek


a monkey stole my juicebox
29.12.2016 в 12:40
Пишет  Арчи Хмелевский:

29.12.2016 в 00:37
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Правда, всё так и есть.

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@темы: repostkin

a monkey stole my juicebox
i was reluctant to even read this ish, since the usual crew (kelly & mcguinness) took a break from the series, apparently. however, it managed to surprise me and turned out to be great!
making jokes at the expense of a deadly foe? that's just so them. more under the cut!

@темы: deadpool, marvel, don't ask, spider-man, wander over yonder


a monkey stole my juicebox
just a note to self, this is exactly where wander stands. now i have a word for it.
oh, and this is where dr. jones stands.

@темы: wander over yonder

a monkey stole my juicebox
gotta cross 'sexual favors' off the 'acceptable poker bets' list
acceptable bets: money, valuable personal items, magical hats, sexual favors. there, done. i can indulge in writing kinky shit involving wander later. maybe never.

upd: oh wow, four hundred words in one day. i'm gonna finish this in no time.

@темы: wander over yonder, ets


a monkey stole my juicebox


a monkey stole my juicebox

a monkey stole my juicebox
shit, how do i stop giggling?

Bidnisn. What you get down to or stay out of other people's, as in, "That ain't none a yore dad-burned bidnis!" (Southerners don't like "s" before "n", do you?).
City slickern. Wunna dem smaht fokes whut lives in town.
Doohickeyn. A Southern thingamabob.
Cackleberryn. Egg. Go figure.

@темы: quotes, useful links

a monkey stole my juicebox

a monkey stole my juicebox

a monkey stole my juicebox
just one of my favorite hpmor moments, nothing to see here, folks.

Madam Malkin was a bustling old woman who didn't say a word about Harry when she saw the scar on his forehead, and she shot a sharp look at an assistant when that girl seemed about to say something. Madam Malkin got out a set of animated, writhing bits of cloth that seemed to serve as tape measures and set to work examining the medium of her art.

Next to Harry, a pale young boy with a pointed face and awesomecool blonde-white hair seemed to be going through the final stages of a similar process. One of Malkin's two assistants was examining the white-haired boy and the chequerboard-gridded robe he was wearing; occasionally she would tap a corner of the robe with her wand, and the robe would loosen or tighten.

"Hello," said the boy. "Hogwarts, too?"

Harry could predict where this conversation was about to go, and he decided in a split second of frustration that enough was enough.

@темы: quotes, harry potter, harry potter and the methods of rationality


a monkey stole my juicebox
- Я обрушу невероятно странный и бессмысленный шквал зонтиков на Готэм-сити. Бессмысленный для всех кроме Бэтмена. Он несомненно найдет в этом закономерность и раскроет мой преступный замысел.
- И какой замысел? Что вы задумали?
- Ничего.
- Ничего?!
- Ничего не задумал. За меня всё придумает Бэтмен. И он не просто придумает мне преступление, он снабдит детальным планом, как мне всё провернуть.
- Пингвин, ты часом не сошел с ума?

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@темы: dc, repostkin


heh heh

a monkey stole my juicebox
Back in the old days, there was no concept of religion being a separate magisterium. The Old Testament is a stream-of-consciousness culture dump: history, law, moral parables, and yes, models of how the universe works. In not one single passage of the Old Testament will you find anyone talking about a transcendent wonder at the complexity of the universe. But you will find plenty of scientific claims, like the universe being created in six days (which is a metaphor for the Big Bang), or rabbits chewing their cud. (Which is a metaphor for...)

Back in the old days, saying the local religion "could not be proven" would have gotten you burned at the stake. One of the core beliefs of Orthodox Judaism is that God appeared at Mount Sinai and said in a thundering voice, "Yeah, it's all true." From a Bayesian perspective that's some darned unambiguous evidence of a superhumanly powerful entity. (Albeit it doesn't prove that the entity is God per se, or that the entity is benevolent - it could be alien teenagers.) The vast majority of religions in human history - excepting only those invented extremely recently - tell stories of events that would constitute completely unmistakable evidence if they'd actually happened. The orthogonality of religion and factual questions is a recent and strictly Western concept. The people who wrote the original scriptures didn't even know the difference.


@темы: quotes, useful links


a monkey stole my juicebox
наконец добралась до "суммы биотехнологии" панчина. занимательно пишет, чертяка! хотя мне, регулярному посетителю его блога и разнообразных сообществ скептиков, ничего нового из книги узнать пока не удалось.

Существует легенда, повествующая об “эффекте 25-го кадра”. Это вымышленная и неработающая методика воздействия на подсознание людей посредством монтирования в видеоряд скрытой рекламы. Реклама вставляется с помощью дополнительных кадров, которые проскакивают так быстро, что человек не успевает их разглядеть. В январе 1958 года телекомпания Canadian Broadcasting Company провела (не очень научный) эксперимент, в ходе которого предупредила зрителей, что будет показывать скрытую рекламу. На протяжении получасового шоу 352 раза было показано сообщение “позвони сейчас”, но очень быстро, чтобы никто не разглядел. Никакого заметного увеличения количества телефонных звонков не было зафиксировано ни во время передачи, ни после нее. Никто не мог отгадать истинное послание скрытой рекламы, зато многие телезрители писали в телекомпанию письма о том, что у них возникали необъяснимые позывы взять банку пива, сходить в туалет или переключить канал.

@темы: quotes, useful links

a monkey stole my juicebox
mary jane, the ever-caring wife, part 2 <3

@темы: marvel, spider-man

a monkey stole my juicebox
i do have a type, don't i?

@темы: marvel, spider-man, wander over yonder


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a monkey stole my juicebox
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a monkey stole my juicebox
how do i describe this one without spoilers? that was one HELL of an issue. holy crap, preston, that was brutal! and what's spoiler doing there? what'd i miss?

@темы: deadpool, marvel