
a monkey stole my juicebox
just had yet another job interview, not sure if i blew it or not. sure hope not. i tried a different approach this time, was being friendly and cordial, or maybe annoyingly chipper, it depends.
sorta feels like being in a relationship, you try not to get your hopes up so that it won't hurt too much if you get rejected.

a monkey stole my juicebox

this guy is just one big joke.

and also from now on i'm posting my thoughts on whatever i am reading in no particular order.

@темы: marvel, spider-man, kraven the hunter

a monkey stole my juicebox
newsflash: i watched the movie, became a fan overnight and proceeded to become acquainted with (almost) every deadpool-related comic book to date. i dare you to hate me, i double dare you, mothafucka.
i also rediscovered my all-time favourite marvel character - spider-man, i'm lazily flipping through his oldest issues as i speak. type. whatever. 60s comic books are hilarious.
back to the issue at hand, volumes' 3 & 4 versions of deadpool's disfigurement are my favourite. the guy looks like a living corpse, and yet his facial expressions make him so alive and likeable. i consider this a major improvement compared to the living tumor he was during the original kelly's run, or the thing's double, though i can't remember who i should be thanking for that. still looks really painful though, poor fella.

some more pictures of wade's ruined face. you have been warned.

heh. i suppose that's it for today. if anyone's reading this and wishes to discuss deadpool related things, feel free to do so.

@темы: deadpool, marvel

a monkey stole my juicebox
newsflash: i watched the movie, became a fan overnight and proceeded to become acquainted with (almost) every deadpool-related comic book to date. i dare you to hate me, i double dare you, mothafucka.
i also rediscovered my all-time favourite marvel character - spider-man, i'm lazily flipping through his oldest issues as i speak. type. whatever. 60s comic books are hilarious.
back to the issue at hand, volumes' 3 & 4 versions of deadpool's disfigurement are my favourite. the guy looks like a living corpse, and yet his facial expressions make him so alive and likeable. i consider this a major improvement compared to the living tumor he was during the original kelly's run, or the thing's double, though i can't remember who i should be thanking for that. still looks really painful though, poor fella.

some more pictures of wade's ruined face. you have been warned.

heh. i suppose that's it for today. if anyone's reading this and wishes to discuss deadpool related things, feel free to do so.


a monkey stole my juicebox

he hasn't said 'bub' once in the 'uncanny x-force' comic, smells like ooc to me.

@темы: deadpool, marvel, wolverine


a monkey stole my juicebox
купила летние тапки и сразу лета захотелось.


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a monkey stole my juicebox
These vicarious people, both live and fictional, play a significant role in our lives,
providing models for behavior, acting out for us various roles and situations from which we
draw conclusions about our own lives. We deduce lessons from their activities, consciously
or not. We learn from their triumphs and tribulations. They make it possible for us to "try on"
various roles or life styles without suffering the consequences that might attend such
experiments in real life.

Future Shock

@темы: quotes


a monkey stole my juicebox
заходишь на паблик, а по тебе там аиршотами попадают. непорядок.


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a monkey stole my juicebox
'... We can understand the significance of mobility only if we first recognize the centrality of fixed placein the psychological architecture of traditional man. This centrality is reflected in our culture in innumerable ways. Indeed, civilization, itself, began with agriculture—which meant settlement, an end, at last, to the dreary treks and migrations of the paleolithic nomad. The very word "rootedness" to which we pay so much attention today is agricultural in origin. The precivilized nomad listening to a discussion of "roots" would scarcely have understood the concept.'

@темы: quotes


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