a monkey stole my juicebox

@темы: domino, cable, marvel

a monkey stole my juicebox
nate's having a hard time accepting his new found parents. scott, too, is having a hard time trying to approach his son; patronizing him is a wrong move. meanwhile, jean's trying to grill domino, who's in denial about her relationship with nate. sounds just like an episode of a soap opera, and i love it.

@темы: cable, marvel

a monkey stole my juicebox
some things, such as rahne's bleeding heart, never change.

@темы: marvel, x-factor

a monkey stole my juicebox
whoever said a 350 lbs cyborg soldier from the future can't be adorkable was wrong!


well, i never expected this to go smoothly.

@темы: domino, cable, marvel

a monkey stole my juicebox
now this issue i'm gonna like, i think. first of all, feral's older sister thornn showed up, maybe they'll have an epic showdown? that would be cool. feral reminds me of sabertooth, really, only she's much younger and didn't yet have the chance to fuck shit up on his scale.
second of all, nate finally pulled himself together and asked neena on a date. how are two grizzled mercs so adorable?

some pics with my comments
let's see how this'll work out!

@темы: domino, cable, marvel

a monkey stole my juicebox
what the hell is this hippie shit, next they'll start singing about the power of love or something, i'm skipping this ish.

@темы: cable, marvel

a monkey stole my juicebox
omega red's real name is arkady russovich.

@темы: cable, marvel

a monkey stole my juicebox
wow, what they did to force stryfe out of nate's brainpan really looked and felt like exorcism.
i probably should feel more touched about scott's and nate's family reunion, but still, they look so weird together, the son almost twice as old as the father.

@темы: cable, marvel


a monkey stole my juicebox
oh, and also this post had me crying with laughter :D

@темы: deadpool, cable, marvel, uncanny avengers


a monkey stole my juicebox
just finished reading this brilliant thing: Try, Try Again. deadpool & taskmaster, tony is experimented on and his long term and intermediate term memory get screwed. wade happened to be there to help. hilarity ensues.
i'd throw in some quotes, but i'm afraid i'll have trouble choosing the best ones and end up just copypasting the whole fic.

@темы: deadpool, marvel, taskmaster

a monkey stole my juicebox
peter's acting like a total douche towards debbie, getting her hopes up, going on dates with her, but still firmly keeping her in the friendzone. what a doormat of a girl. will she ever work up the guts to tell him to fuck off?
as for the main plot, some new villains appear, bogus science happens, yadda yadda. not really worth mentioning.

@темы: marvel, spider-man

a monkey stole my juicebox
wade's a believer, it seems :D and his mask's weird condom tip-like thingie kinda looks like a single cat ear. i have once seen it, and now i cannot unsee it.

i also gotta confess that i'm very annoyed that every time deadpool and cable meet, this 'troubled friendship mixed with some sexual tension' thing they had in their shared book is just ignored, like it was never there. we never get neither a closure nor a continuation.
and now to the nicer things, i just loved it when janet dropped a ghostbusters reference as a test for hank, that was both geeky and cute.

@темы: deadpool, cable, marvel, uncanny avengers

a monkey stole my juicebox
it seems that after literally walking in wade's shoes for so long, emily takes his problems rather personally. he's lucky to have a friend who cares about him so much. too bad he doesn't seem to think so himself.

oh, and i re-read 'the good, the bad & the ugly' arc separately, it's one of my favorites, but i can't bring myself to write about it. it' so sad.

@темы: deadpool, marvel

a monkey stole my juicebox
seems like wade figured out this hero thing after all.

a monkey stole my juicebox
ock is so rude and stuck-up, even wade became suspicious of him, although he barely knew the real spidey. it's so satisfying watching wade annoy the shit out of him.

@темы: deadpool, marvel, spider-man

a monkey stole my juicebox
whoa, what the hell happened to him? did spidey's mask corrode his face or something?

@темы: deadpool, marvel, spider-man

a monkey stole my juicebox
did i ever mention how sweet their friendship is? yeah, i did. and i can't help but feel bad for tom, even though he's a terrorist. he had it rough.

@темы: deadpool, marvel

a monkey stole my juicebox

@темы: marvel, spider-man

a monkey stole my juicebox
i'm starting to think that this carrion fella is that creep who cloned gwen stacy about fifty issues back, whatever his name was. if he is, i'm gonna buy myself a chocolate bar.

@темы: marvel, spider-man

a monkey stole my juicebox
poor peter had been blinded by the maggia leader last ish, but it only started sinking in that he might be blind and helpless for the rest of his life in this issue. good thing daredevil happened to be there and help him through his breakdown. yeah, daredevil of all people, what a coincidence, huh?
i cannot imagine how terrified spidey must feel right now. i'd give him a hug if i could.
oh, and also mj and betty are being surprisingly mature and decide that they would rather not fight over a guy and be friends instead. i just wish real, unimagined people could do that.

@темы: marvel, spider-man