a monkey stole my juicebox
these issues add to the many reasons why i love mary-jane.
she gets kidnapped by a really nasty, entitled character, jonathan caesar, who's been obsessed with her for a long time. he arranged it so that pete and mj would move into an apartment building that belonged to him in order to get close and strike when least expected.
mj spends a few days locked up in a reinforced room in that same building, with caesar sharing his plans to marry her (even though she she's already married to peter, yeah) and keep her there for as long as he pleases. meanwhile, peter's searching for her all over the city, webbing up and putting scare on various shady types who he thinks might be connected to the kidnapping, but nobody knows anything.
mj attempts to escape several times, unsuccessfully so, until she finally manages to fool caesar and knock him out. then she electrocutes his two hired goons with the aid of a puddle of water on the floor and a broken lamp, steals one of their guns and saves peter's bacon by scaring away styx and stones, another pair of hired goons, who were about to finish him off.
i suck at telling stories, really, but what she did was BADASS, and she handled this difficult situation perfectly. not that caesar would just leave her alone, of course. even in prison he manages to mess with her, evicting herself and her husband from their apartment with no way to get their money back and using his money and connections to ensure that mj doesn't get any modeling gigs, but this is mj. she's strong and she's going to handle this.

@темы: marvel, spider-man

24.10.2016 в 14:28

I am not Daredevil
Чёрт, надо прочитать. Я этих выпусков не видела, а я люблю бэдэссную ЭмДжей. :inlove:
24.10.2016 в 14:39

a monkey stole my juicebox
Реати, эмджей красава просто, безоружная всем наваляла ;3 обязательно почитайте!
я, кстати, даже не подумала, что этот пост может быть для кого-то спойлером. извините.
24.10.2016 в 14:43

I am not Daredevil
Да нет, ничо, я бы так может и не прочитала бы)
У меня был, правда, когда-то грандиозный план осилить линейку Спайди целиком, но хватило меня только где-то на треть.
24.10.2016 в 14:49

a monkey stole my juicebox
У меня был, правда, когда-то грандиозный план осилить линейку Спайди целиком, но хватило меня только где-то на треть.
я вот тоже думаю, на сколько меня ещё хватит. это сейчас работа такая, что позволяет валять дурака, а что дальше будет?
а уж все эти стопицот тимапов и появлений паучка в других тайтлах я трогать вообще боюсь. чтоб тебя, марвел, зачем ты так расползся?

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